Manage your web projects deployment
We all know how to extent and run MSBuild with our library console and forms applications, but what about the web applications?
Dose anyone ask himself once – where did the .proj file of my web project gone?
To solve this mystery Microsoft has come with Web Deployment Projects.
Now by simply clicking on our web project and editing a Web Deployment Project
you get a .wdproj, which is exactly functioning like the .proj file. And you can you it advances oprions to manage your section in the config file depending on the compilation mode (release, debug or add one of your own - like "dev" and "prod")
This dude covers this all topic.
Dose anyone ask himself once – where did the .proj file of my web project gone?
To solve this mystery Microsoft has come with Web Deployment Projects.
Now by simply clicking on our web project and editing a Web Deployment Project
you get a .wdproj, which is exactly functioning like the .proj file. And you can you it advances oprions to manage your section in the config file depending on the compilation mode (release, debug or add one of your own - like "dev" and "prod")
This dude covers this all topic.